- Organization name: Pragathi Gramin Bank
- Role: Officer & Office Assistants
- Pay scale: R 7200-31500 / -
- Eligibility: Graduate
- Job location: Gandhinagar
- End date: September 16, 2011
Job Details :
The Bank invites online applications from Indian citizens for the posts at the Eastern Management Officer (Scale-III), director of Middle Management grade (Scale-II), the Framework and office assistants (MP).
01. Officer MMG Scale-III
- Salary: - Rs 25700-800/5-29700-900/2-31500/-
- Education: - Degree in a recognized university in any discipline or equivalent with at least 50% points in total. Preference will be given to candidates with a diploma / degree in Banking, Finance, Marketing, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agricultural technology, fish farming, Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, law, economics and accounting.
- Experience: - Minimum 5 years experience as an officer in any bank or financial institution.
- Number of Vacancies: - 03
02. MMG Scale-II official
- Salary: - Rs 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100/-
- Education: Bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university or equivalent with at least 50% points in total. Preference will be given to candidates with a degree / diploma in Banking, Finance, Marketing, agriculture, horticulture, forestry, animal husbandry, veterinary medicine, agricultural technology, fish farming, Marketing and Cooperation, Information Technology, Management, law, economics and accounting.
- Experience: - Two years as an officer in a bank or financial institution.
- Number of posts: - 19
03. Official MMG Scale-II (EN)
- Salary: - Rs. 19400-700/1-20100-800/10-28100/-
- Rating:-a recognized university degree in Electronics / Communications / Information Technology / Information Technology or equivalent with minimum 50% marks in total.
- Experience:-Certificate in ASP, PHP, C + +, Java, VB, VC, OCP, etc.
- Number of posts: - 13
04. Official MMG Scale-II (EN)
- Salary: - Rs. 7200-400/3-8400-500/3-9900-600/4-12300-700/7-17200-1300/1-18500-800/1-19300/-
- Education: Bachelor's degree or equivalent-recognized university in any discipline;
- (A) Essential: Expertise Kannada language.
- (B), knowledge of computer skills desirable.
- Number of Vacancies: - 64
Selection Procedure: Selection will be based on performance in written test and interview.
How to Apply :
All eligible applicants must register online through the link to our site www.pgbankho.in in the prescribed format from 17 to 08-2011.Please note that the deadline for submitting applications online 16-09-2011
Applicants must have an email ID. That must remain active for the duration of this recruitment project. This will help him / her for a letter of call / interview tips, etc., in any case, he / she has to share / e-mail to mention ID / anyone else.
In the event that a candidate does not have valid identification personal email, he / she must create his / her e-mail new ID before applying online.
How to Apply :
All eligible applicants must register online through the link to our site www.pgbankho.in in the prescribed format from 17 to 08-2011.Please note that the deadline for submitting applications online 16-09-2011
Applicants must have an email ID. That must remain active for the duration of this recruitment project. This will help him / her for a letter of call / interview tips, etc., in any case, he / she has to share / e-mail to mention ID / anyone else.
In the event that a candidate does not have valid identification personal email, he / she must create his / her e-mail new ID before applying online.
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